Children's Junk Craft activities
Your Home/ Somewhere Safe
6th May 2020, 3:00 pm

Helen our artist, who some of the children who have previously attended our face to face children's activites have already met, will be making craft models out of everyday household junk that most of you will already have in your home. 

Each Wednesday at 3.00pm (after your school work has finished) during term time Helen invites you to make a model with the items listed so when you sign into the activity you have everything ready to start. 

Helen will show you the finished item and you will (along with your brother, sisiter or paret if needed) make something step by step with Helen.

This session we will be making an Elephant out of a 4 pint milk container and here are the items needed

Milk Bottle Art : Elephant ( and other ideas )

* If doing Collage :



For information or to book onto this event please contact us