Sefton Community Network Group
THORNTON WELLBEING CENTRE, Stannyfield Drive, Thornton, L23 1TY
6th March 2024, 12:30 pm

The Community Network Groups provide a discussion based opportunity to develop your understanding around neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs), to ask questions and share learning and experience. You can talk to other parents, the ADDvanced Solutions team and visiting professionals who can help and support you.

This week we will be looking at Supporting Transition.

This session will consider different types of transition - from nursery to primary school, from primary to secondary school or even just transition from one activity to another - and how we can support transitions through planning and strategies to reduce anxiety around change in our neurodiverse children and young people.

Each session for our Sefton group is about the Sefton process and pathways and is every Wednesday during term time at 12:45pm - 2:45pm. Please drop in at the venue listed.

We look forward to seeing you.

For more information please contact us