Face-to-Face Family Workshop on Sensory Processing Difficulties
Walton, Liverpool
13th May 2024, 9:30 am

This training is fully booked. You can contact us to put onto the reserve list for our next available Sensory Processing Difficulties training in June.

This face-to-face workshop will provide information, advice and guidance on how to support children with Sensory Processing Difficulties.

This learning workshop is designed for parents/carers of children/young people presenting with Sensory Processing Difficulties and is being delivered in partnership with an occupational therapist advanced practitioner in sensory integration.

This workshop aims to help to identify how our bodies receive and process internal and external sensory information and what can happen if there are difficulties in organising and processing this information. It also provides an overview of difficulties with praxis (how our brain plans, organises and carries out a sequence of unfamiliar motor actions) and the resulting impact on emotional regulation and explores the impact of sensory processing difficulties on children/young people and their families and offers a range of strategies to help to support your child/young person.

This workshop will be open for approximately five hours, including time for questions and answers at the end of the presentation.

For information or to book onto this event please contact us