Knowsley Community Network Group
Old School House Community Project, St. Johns Rd, Huyton, L36 0UX
22nd May 2024, 9:30 am

The Community Network Groups provide a discussion based opportunity to develop your understanding around neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs), to ask questions and share learning and experience. You can talk to other parents, the ADDvanced Solutions team and visiting professionals who can help and support you.

The session this week will be looking at Supporting Friendships with Neurodiverse Children and Young People.

All of us struggle with building, developing and maintaining friendships at some points in our lives. Individuals with a social communication difficulties may find this more of an issue than others. In this session we will look at how to support our children and young people, to understand their individual needs, nurture their resilience and reduce anxiety around relationships.

Each session for our Knowsley group is about the Knowsley process and pathways and is every Wednesday during term time at 9:30am - 11:30am. Please drop in at the venue listed.

We look forward to seeing you.

For more information please contact us