“Identifying Problems, Finding Solutions” Online CNG
This week we host an open session to come along and discuss any difficulties you may be experiencing with your child or young person and explore strategies to support them: Identifying Problems, Finding Solutions.
These sessions run every Monday at 9:30am – 11:00am, with a different topic each week.
The Community Network Groups provide a discussion based opportunity to develop your understanding around neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs), to ask questions and share learning and experience. You can talk to other parents, the ADDvanced Solutions team and visiting professionals who can help and support you.
Topics we will discuss this half term are:
- 6th January – Identifying Problems, Finding Solutions
- 13th January – Specific Learning Difficulties
- 20th January – Gender Identity and Neurodiversity
- 27th January – Supporting Siblings of Neurodivergent Children and Young Poeple
- 3rd February – Autism with Demand Avoidant Profile (PDA)
- 3rd February – Supporting sleep difficulties
We look forward to seeing you. Please register to join.