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For young people

Children and young people are at the heart of everything we do at ADDvanced Solutions Community Network. Our commissioned offer for young people themselves varies by area so please view our offer for families or get in touch to find out more.

Coaching and workshops

Help young people to gain a better understanding of themselves and their needs. You will learn skills to work towards developing positive relationships and build confidence to achieve your goals.

Support for your family and you

Parents and Carers can access learning opportunities to support them to better understand your neurodiversity.

Celebrating Individuality

Find out more about Neurodiversity & celebrate the unique talents of the young people we work with.

we are commissioned differently in each area for children and young people
contact us to find out the offer in your local area.

Coaching and Workshops

One-to-one and small group coaching

In some of our areas, and under specific criteria, we are commissioned to offer 1:1 coaching or small group workshops to young people. These sessions are designed by our ND coaching team to support children and young people to better understand their neurodiversity and to give them the understanding and strategies to navigate their challenges and feel positive about their future.

See our video below explaining more about coaching.

Coaching is commissioned in some areas, under certain criteria and is suitable for young people age 12- 19.

Coaching is all about
working together...

Celebrating Individuality

Dreams and Aspirations....

As I have Autism and ADHD and I want to share what its like to be me
I often get nervous and very afraid, but I try to keep these feeling inside
Within my mind, my thoughts dash and collide
Which makes me want to run away & hide
I worry about sudden change, being late and visiting new places
When I worry about these things it makes me feel all hot and my heart races
You see – that’s why I get so stressed so easily.
My senses tingle and its like they all mix together, bright lights hurt my eyes, 
my toes don’t like my socks, even though they have tried.
I notice everything that you might not see
I also have an amazing long term memory
I try my hardest all the time, 
Sometimes I might look ok, but I’m not fine.
But please try to remember what I have said
As things are different for me inside my head
I am brave and determined I  am honest, loyal and a really good friend
Thank you for reading my poem to the end.

a poem by Polly

I’m a star shaped peg in a square shaped hole
I play wicket in cricket in football I’m in goal
I don’t see the world through your lens
I’m different but I still need friends
Some people laugh and some people tease
Spelling is hard but I find patterns with ease
I like nothing more than a journey through books
Sometimes my dress sense gets me funny looks
When I feel nervous I sing tap and flap
When I’m excited I jump up and clap
Sand on my feet makes me feel wrong
Sometimes in groups I don’t feel I belong
Everyone is different I know this is true
I know my differences how about you
This hidden disability will never stop me
Its not an adversity it’s a neurodiversity

a poem by 
Casey Galna

Nathan's Film

Thank you to Nathan who created and shared this short film about his experience of Autism and how having support from those around you can have such a positive impact. Nathan reminds us that “we are never alone”.

Positive Influences

If you are searching for your own answers around neurodiversity, below are some positive places you could start.

Young Peoples Library

Below are some books that our neurodiversity coaches would recommend to young people.  If you have found a book / podcast / social media account that you have found helpful and supportive and would like to recommend to other young people, lets us know, send us a quick review, we would love to hear from you.


some books for teens, we would love to hear your recommendations
some books suitable for younger children

Worried about your mental health?

There are times when we all struggle with our mental wellbeing.  Recognising when we are finding things hard and taking time out for ourselves is so important.  Get to know what activities or interests support your wellbeing a build these into your routine.  If you need support or advice today you can reach out to the organisations below in complete confidence.

Kooth offers digital support and online counselling to young people
online, on the phone, anytime